7 Things You Must Know To Start A Money Making Blog- Learn What It Takes

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The online world is growing everyday and online business’ are thriving. The online worlds has never been so embracing to self-made online business owners, in other words:

There has never been a better time to start an online business then RIGHT NOW.

There is a lot of money to be made blogging. So, if you’re thinking about starting a blog that’s awesome! Creating your own blogging business can be extremely satisfying. There are bloggers who earn a six-figure income off their blogs! BUT, there are some things you should know about starting a blog that generates money.

Ready to start your blog? —-> Click here

I have a step-by-step guide to help you get your blog up and running within the next hour. But I sincerely advise that you go over the list below so that you can find out if blogging is right for you. 

What should you know about before jumping into the blogging world?

Did you know most people get discouraged and quit blogging within the first three months? This is because they go into blogging without really understanding what it takes to be successful. Here are 7 things you must know to start money making blog:

1. Hard Work

Something a lot of blogging Guru’s don’t talk about upfront is the hours and hours of hard work that goes into blogging.

A lot of people like to paint a picture and make it seem incredibly easy to work from somewhere tropical while sippin’ on a margarita. And while that can be their truth, they fail to mention the time and (probably) years they spent to reach that place.

It requires a generous amount of time dedicated to figuring out WordPress, narrowing down your niche(the topic you’re writing about), research, learning and writing.

The truth is, every blogger out there started at the same spot you’re in right now.

If anybody tries to tell you any different, they’re lying. It’s that simple. Nobody had their blog up and making thousands of dollars within 30 days.  

It’s pretty black and white, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

2. It Requires Some Money

Starting any business will usually require money to start and blogging is no different. But when starting a blogging business it will be more affordable then starting most businesses. There are somethings you will need to buy in your blogging journey like:

Now you will not need all of these things to start your blog, but it is good to keep in mind some of things you will need to invest in to create a money generating blog. You do have to spend money to make money and it’s up to you to make the money spent worth it.

3. You Will Be Writing, A LOT

Yes, anyone can start a blog but if writing is not something you enjoy or even like to do, blogging may be a rocky road for you. I’m not saying you need to be Shakespeare, but you will be writing a lot of content. 

If you’re not a big fan of writing, well, you might not enjoy blogging. And if you don’t enjoy the process of blogging you will probably end up giving up.

But on the other hand, anything can be learned! You can start writing and and it could be a talent you didn’t even realize you had!

Enter your email below and I’ll send you a 5 step guide to writing a blog post!

4. It Will Take Time Before You See Any Result

Blogging is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. You need to build an audience, learn everything from SEO to Affiliate Marketing, write a lot of content for your website, create digital products, and much more. All these these things will take time, a lot of it.

I can easily spend 40+ hours a week on my blog and there is always something more to do. So how fast you climb up the latter will differentiate with how much time you dedicate to your blog before you see any real result.

Over night successes are highly unlikely, unless you launch a blog that already has content and products ready to sell. Which even that would require a lot of behind-the-scenes work.

But for most, it takes a couple years before any real money (beyond coffee money) is made from blogging.

5. You Should Be Passionate About What You're Doing

I truly believe that blogging is for people who are passionate about writing and about the niche they chose for their blog. 

If writing is something you don’t enjoy it’s going to be very difficult to want to work on your blog and to stick around long enough to see your blog make finical benefits.

Plus the entire purpose of starting your own business is because you are passionate and excited about what you’re doing. 

I love working on my blog so much I wake up excited to get to work on it. Even before I go to sleep I am thinking of all the things I want to accomplish. 

6. Have A Reason WHY you want this

Why do you want to start a blog?

This answer for this question should go beyond “I want to make money.”

What is the real reason you are going to put your time, money and hard work into blogging? Is it because you want more time to spend with your kids? Travel the world? Be a proud business owner?

Having a goal to work towards will keep you excited and motivated.

There are many people that give up on blogging before they’ve even really gotten started. People get discouraged and quit within the first couple of months out of frustration.

7. Consistency Is Key

I believe that anyone can create a successful blog as long as you keep moving forward. There are going to be a lot of moments that you are going to feel overwhelmed and want to quit.

It’s about moving past that.


Learning from your mistakes is truly the only way to know what works and what doesn’t in your blogging journey. After all, failing is part of creating a successful business.

So keep moving forward and keep creating new content. You will reach your goals as long as you are passionate, persistent, and take it seriously.

Are you serious about starting your blog now that you know what it takes?

Click the button below to start your blog right now!

What Does It Take?

  1. Hard Work
  2. Requires some money
  3. You will be writing, A LOT
  4. It will take time
  5. Be Passionate
  6. What is your ‘Why’
  7. Consistency is key

Wait Don't Go!😩

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