10 Newborn Essentials For Baby’s First Month

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As a new Mom or even as second time Mom who needs a refresher, I know the amount of baby products out there can be overwhelming.

As a Mom of three, I’ve gone through A LOT of baby products and I’ve gotten a pretty good idea of what you actually need for your newborn baby.

If you’re trying to decide what to stock up on or what put on your baby registry then check out the post, First Time Mom’s Guide To Building Your Baby Registry where I guide you through everything you’ll need for baby’s first year (something I wish I would’ve had as a first time Mom).

But to break it down, these are the newborn essentials that you need for 0-4 weeks.

1. Diaper Cream

Diaper cream is something you need on hand all the time with a newborn baby.

Newborns get diaper rashes for a few reasons:

  • their skin is so sensitive and brand new
  • they are being changed and wiped often

It’s so easy for baby’s little bum to become red and irritated. The good news is that there’s so many different diaper creams to fit your baby’s needs and even prevent rashes all together!

Here are 10 of the top-rated diaper creams of 2021:

  1. Aquaphor Healing Ointment
  2. CeraVe Baby Healing Ointment
  3. The Honest Company Diaper Cream
  4. Baby Bum Diaper Rash Cream
  5. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
  6. Desitin Maximum Strength Baby Diaper Rash Cream
  7. GroVia All Natural Magic Stick
  8. Triple Paste Diaper Rash Cream
  9. Burt’s Bees Baby Natural Healing Ointment
  10. Earth Mama Organic Diaper Balm



Also, getting a diaper cream applicator will make your life so much easier because you won’t have to struggle with trying to get diaper cream off of your fingers

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2. Diaper Pail

Ok, I seriously LOVE my diaper pail. It’s kind of the best invention ever. Especially as your baby gets older and the diapers get fuller…if ya know what I mean.

Do you absolutely need a diaper pail to survive newborn life? No. 

The purpose of a diaper pail is to keep things fresh. You could just use a regular trash can but you’ll need to take the trash out way more frequently.

I have and only recommend the Playtex Diaper Genie.

I bought mine five years ago, I’ve used it for every baby and I am still using it! Talk about money well spent.

Another great option is the Ubbi Steel Diaper Pail. I know it’s really popular because if all the trendy designs they make.

If I needed to buy a new diaper pail I would probably get the Ubbi Steel, for the aesthetics of course.

3. Bassinet

When you have a newborn it’s not really practical for them to sleep in their crib yet. Mainly because they need to eat very often.

Keeping your newborn in your bedroom and near you for at least the first 4 weeks will make life so much easier for you.

Getting a bassinet right next to your bed makes night feedings a breeze! I’m a big fan of the side sleepers that make it feel like baby is in bed with you, like the Millard Bedside Bassinet

It’s a side sleeper that can be lined up next to your bed, it adjusts to your beds height and it’s very spacious and has a zipper mesh side that can be up or down. It is the best bassinet I have ever used!


This is definitely a newborn must have. You may “feel” like baby could have a fever by the way their temperature feels to the touch, but knowing if your baby has a fever or not is so important. Especially for newborns.

For infants, rectal thermometers are the most accurate way to take their temp.

The FridaBaby Quick-Read Digital Rectal Thermometer is perfect for newborn babies because it takes a quick 10 second reading and it has a rectal stopper to ensure it doesn’t go too far.



If you’re new-mom or a Mom to a newborn and toddler(s), you might be wondering how you can get anything done while underneath a sleeping baby, the answer is a baby wrap.

A baby wrap is the perfect way to keep baby close to you and still be able to get things done. Plus newborns love being held.

I seriously would not be able to get anything done if it weren’t for baby wearing. I wear it to doctors appointments, the grocery store and around the house. 

There are many baby wraps out there, do your own research and figure out which one is best for you!

I recommend the Boba Baby Wrap Carrier! It’s super comfortable and stretchy.


Ahh…I can smell it now. This will become the smell of your baby and it’s so comforting.

Dreft is definitely a staple for your newborn. Newborns have very sensitive skin and you don’t want to cause any kind of rash from the harsh chemicals of your typical laundry detergent.

Since baby’s also have poop that stains a lovely bright yellow color on absolutely everything, you might want to stock up on some Dreft Stain Remover as well.


A baby swing is basically an extra pair of hands that can rock your baby to sleep and give Mama a break. I would definitely say that you need a baby swing.  When it comes to purchasing a swing I think that it is a very personal decision since they aren’t cheap.

I have used 2 different swings with my babies. I used the Fisher Price Cradle n’ Swing with my first baby and I currently have Graco XL Swing and Bouncer (both pictured below) for my second and to be completely honest, I am not crazy about it.

I would recommend the Fisher Price swing for many reasons, it’s more comfortable, has a better arrange of music and sounds it also has a moving mobile with a mirror. My first born used to be so entertained by it.
Check out more baby swings here

Fisher Price Cradle n' Swing

Graco XL Swing and Bouncer


As a second time Mom I’m always looking back thinking, if only I knew then what I know now. This is one of those moments, I would of bought the Love To Dream Swaddle Up

As a new parent the goal is to get as much sleep as possible and what I’ve come to realize is that old school swaddling helps in the first few weeks, then babies like to sleep with their arms UP.

This swaddle bag is perfect because it’s snug and let’s baby move the way they want. Regular swaddle style, not only takes time but sometimes babies fuss to get their arms out.
Click here to check out more


Newborns don’t need baths very often but they are so teeny tiny and have so many little creases that can get dirty.

When it comes to bathtubs, keep it simple, practical and functional. Like this one.
There are so many bathtubs to choose from, check out the highest rated bathtubs here


Where to begin with this product. I don’t think there is anything more terrifying as Mom then the thought of SIDS. The Owlet is a monitor in a sock that you put on your baby’s foot it measures the baby’s 

  • heart rate
  • oxygen levels

It alerts you with an alarm if something is wrong. I don’t think I would have slept at all without it the first few months of both my babies lives without it.
These are pretty pricy and maybe something you could put on your baby registry. 

You’re investing in your peace of mind with this product. So, for me, it was worth every penny.

What are somethings you couldn't live without while you had a newborn?