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2020 was a hectic year, I learned so much and hit my one year anniversary of House Of Sonshine in October! Woot woot! Although it’s been such a learning curve I am so proud of the achievements I’ve reached and everything I’ve learned along the way. I’ve realized in this business there’s always something new to learn and that’s so excited to me.
I’m someone who loves feeling inspired by others and something that really inspires me is reading about other bloggers weekly, monthly or yearly goals, progresses and accomplishments. So decided to share my goals for this upcoming year, hopefully this can spark inspiration for outlying your own goals. I think this would be fun to look back on and see how we did.
Business Dreams + Goals
When it comes to growing my business I get so excited thinking about all the things I want to accomplish for the year! There’s so many but I’ll go ahead and outline a few of those goals.
- Getting clear about my blogs purpose (again) Remember when I said that I get super excited about the blog, well that’s great but I also get ahead of myself and try to start 100 different ideas at once, which makes me feel a bit unorganized and not to mention, can be overwhelming. I need to narrow back down and decipher exactly what I should leave as future ideas and what I should bring to fruition now. One step at a time.
- Send weekly emails My email list keeps growing and growing which is so exciting to see but I have totally neglected sending emails. I think for most bloggers email marketing can be pretty intimidating. I want to let go of any insecurities when it comes to chatting and keeping up with all of those who kindly put their email on my list!
- Hire help I think it’d be extremely helpful for me to hire help at some point this year. A virtual assistant would definitely ease the stress of keeping up with all my social medias and sharing posts, that way I can spend more time creating and tackling projects without letting one fall while I focus on the other.
- Finish getting set up legally When first starting this blog getting legal was sort of far fetched and not necessary, now it seems like the next step as my blog has grown and I plan to sell more fun things this year.
- Create an online course about affiliate marketing
- Sell planners and blog merchandise
- Create more free helpful printables
- Create a course on LiketoKNOWit.
- Create a how to start a blog email course
- Create a video course on how to sell online
- Business Mindset Course + Planner
Financial Goals
A truly exciting thing about having a business is reach financial goals. I plan this year to hit my fist big milestone in this area.
- Hit my first 5,000 month this would be a a huge accomplishment for the business. Ultimately this number would help my husband be able to quit his job and come home which would be a dream come true.
This is currently my only financial goal. It’d be life changing for us to hit this goal.
Motherhood Goals
If you read my last blog post then you might know that we are expecting our third baby in 2021. Talk about a beautifully hectic year! We have so much change and growth coming to our family this upcoming year that it’s so exciting yet so unpredictable. Here are few goals I plan to focus on when it comes to being a Mom.
- Patience Of course I think most moms could use an extra dose of this…With 3 kids under 4 I will need to practice patience. I know there are a lot of challenging moments a head of me in my motherhood journey. Which is why this is the number one thing I really want to work on because it’s so easy to get frustrated in difficult situations but I don’t want to project frustration as a coping method in those moments.
- Be present Being a Mama blogger the most difficult struggle is the work life -home life balance. I need to remember to turn it off when it comes to work and focus my energy wholly on my family with no phones or computers. I want each one of my kids to have an equal piece of Mommy time. My babies are still young but are growing so incredibly fast I don’t want it to slip by or have regrets.
- Learning from my kids Kids are incredibly insightful and I believe that our kids are given to us for a purpose. Each one is here to teach us and bring strengths and talents to the world. I want to be very aware and sensitive to what my each of my kids need from me to help them grow into the person they were meant to be.
- More pictures and videos I’m someone who really loves to spend time in the moment so much so that I forget to document a lot of great times together. I’m not saying that I want to always have a camera in my hand, it’s good to live in the moment but I would like to remember to snap some photos and videos of special moments to have to look back on years from now.
- Go on a family trip I would love to go on a family trip this year when we add our new family member to the pack. I’m hoping the world will be in a place of safety and assurance so we can pick up and go on a fun trip!
Personal Goals
I am one of those people who absolutely loves personal growth. I soak it up. It gets me so excited, inspired and overall makes me feel good. Here are some ways I plan to grow this upcoming year personally.
- Buy a house I plan on finally getting out of our beloved rental home and finally invest into our future home. This would be such an awesome goal for us to hit as our family grows
- Read more books I have a book list I plan on tackling this year. I have so much I want to learn and just overall expand my thoughts and mind as much as I possibly can.
- Waking up earlier As a busy Mom it’s so hard to find time for myself. Alone time is important for anyone and I want more of that. Of course this involves going to sleep earlier in order to wake up earlier which I haven’t really began to figure out my new schedule. I think this goal will be particularly challenging with a newborn but I am going to try. Even 15 -20minutes alone before the day start I think would make the world of a difference for me.
- Self reflection this sort of goes hand in hand with waking up earlier because I will need some alone time to do this, but I would like more time to journal and meditate. I’d like to be aware of how I am spending my energy and time. I think this will also help me feel more intuitive in what my next steps are in business, motherhood and personal journeys.
- Connect with other bloggers and likeminded women I love watching other people grow and seeing other women accomplish goals is so exciting to watch. Instead of only watching from a far I’d like to actually connect and share strategies and encouragement. Just a free space to do that in would be awesome.
Share your goals with me!
I’m so happy to share all my yearly goals with you! I hope it inspired you in some way to create your own personal goals. I’d love to hear about what you’ve got planned this year.
Write your goals down in the comments below so we can encourage each other. Hopefully we can all look back at this post and have accomplished a lot of our goals.
I’m on a New Year high I’m feeling so excited and motivated for the fresh start of 2021. I truly wish peace, health and happiness so each and everyone this year.
Wishing you all a happy New Year!