5 Reasons Why Blogging Is Perfect For Moms

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Have you ever thought about starting a Mom Blog? I know it can be scary and I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why you haven’t started yet.

But I’m here to tell you why blogging is PERFECT for Moms. So let’s go over some reasons why you should start your motherhood blog today!

Ready to get started now? I created a step by step process how how to start a blog that you can check out here.

Helpful for the Transition into Motherhood

Going through the transition from a women with no kids to a Mother can be quite the journey. A lot of changes and learning curves are coming all at one.

Blogging can be a creative outlet for you while you’re figuring things out. It can also help with a lot of postpartum feelings. 

We, as Moms, are always giving ourselves to our kids and husbands. Blogging is something that can be ALL YOURS. Your space that belongs to you.

Making Connections!

Connecting with other Mom’s through this blogging journey, by far has been one of my favorite perks that comes with blogging.

Being a stay at home mom can feel extremely lonely and isolating, so making Mom friends to connect with who understand the daily struggles of motherhood and offer you support has been so incredibly helpful and rewarding.

So joining Facebook groups, Instagram groups and talking to other bloggers on twitter and really bonding with like-mined women

Join our Mom Blog Hangout Group to start connecting with other Mom Bloggers.

On Mom's Time

This might be the best part of blogging. YOU CREATE YOUR OWN SCHEDULE. 

Whether you’re a new mom with a newborn or a Mama to multiple kids running around, we all know how demanding motherhood can be. It’s hard!

I look at motherhood in phases, there’s always something new or something changing when it comes to being a Mom. 

So if one of your kids get sick or when you’re in the thick of teething, not working on your blog  for a while won’t harm your blogging journey.

In fact it could keep growing while you’re on your break!

Looking at the long term side of things, eventually when your blog starts making money, you’ll have the freedom of time to spend more with your family and less at a 9-5.

You're Investing In Your Future

This is one of the main reasons I started my own blog! As a stay at home mom I was constantly looking for new ways to bring something in financially so that I can alway stay at home with my babies.

If you stay consistent and keep creating content your blog will continue to grow and so will the potential money making opportunities.

People are making, hundreds, thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars a month blogging! The possibilities are truly endless when it come to how much money you can make through blogging.The potential amount of money you can make for your income is in your own hands. It all depends on how hard you’re willing to work.

Ways to make money include:

-Affiliate Marketing
-Creating your own digital or physical products
-Creating courses
-Sell Your Blog

Not to mention the possibilities for speaking engagements, potential writing gigs and job offers.

All you have to do is start today!

There So Many Topics Relating to Motherhood

The amount of topics relating to the motherhood niche is crazy! 

You could write about anything from pregnancy, postpartum workouts, homeschooling, toddler activities, lunch ides, even empty nesting!

There is something for everyone to resonate with when it comes to your Motherhood journey. 

There may be something unique in your experience that can really offer support for other Moms.

For example, my first born son had a speech delay,  a topic in which, I found support through the blogging platform.