11 Second Trimester Must Haves

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The second trimester is typically everyones favorite phase of pregnancy. It’s after the first trimester, so long morning sickness! (hopefully). You’ve celebrated the great news with everyone, about bringing your precious little one into the world, maybe you’ve found out the gender of the baby, your energy is up, the bump is showing and is the most perfect cute size, everything is feel exciting and fun. 

With all the excitement there are a lot things changing and this is the time to start catering to those changes, both physically and mentally.

As a Mama of 3 I think these are 11 second trimester must haves!

Ready to start packing your hospital bag? Click here to find out what you need to pack for Dad, Mom & baby.

11 Second Trimester Essentials:

1. Maternity Leggings

Now we’re in the second trimester the bump is fully out and about! Do yourself the favor of investing in a great pair of maternity leggings. It is hands down the number 1 maternity clothing item that I do not see as optional. You’ll be so happy you did.

2. Body Butter

With a growing baby bump it is only natural that your skin will begin to stretch. This can cause a ton of itchiness, which is NOT fun. My motto is to start moisturizing before the itch begins. Which is why it’s super essential to start now. 

Boby Oil

Depending on your skin, I recommend testing out creams and oils to find what works for you. I recently added this Mama Bee body oil in my pregnancy skin care routine and it is amazing! It has a very smooth and silky texture to it. Also the smell is amazing! 

3. Maternity Panties

There comes a point in the second trimester of pregnancy wear your undies start to get a little snug and you go from thinking “I can make this work” to “I need new panties NOW”. These are by far the best maternity item I have ever bought. No more panties indentions in you hips! 

4. Reusable Water Bottle

This is the time to up our water intake and it can be so easy to forget to drink water, I found that i drink so much more water with this bottle. I think it’s everything from the straw, to the fun colors and the encouraging levels. I have it by my side all day so it’s easy to stay hydrated!

5. Pregnancy Pillow

Do yourself a favor and get this pillow. With the bump starting to get big comfort gets harder and harder and sleepless nights are no fun for anyone. This pillow is affordable and has the best reviews. My leg aches and back pain have totally diminished at night! So worth it.

6. Comfy Bras

Most women’s breast grow during pregnancy some go up multiple cup sizes others don’t. But I also think there are women who, like me, get wider in general. I breast don’t go up multiple cup sizes but my bras do not fit around me anymore, which is why I absolutely love that these bras come with extenders.

7. A Good Razor/Trimmer

As your feet begin to disappear from your view under the belly, so do other parts of your body. I find avoiding shaving as long as possible is doable but other times theres necessity to wear shorts or just feel like yourself, so when you do need to shave get a good razor! And for your lady bits a trimmer may help you tame the mane if you know what I mean.

8. Comfy Shoes

Slip ons! Seriously, save yourself the trouble of bending over, holding your breath and squeezing your belly to tie your own shoes! Get some super versitile shoes that can just be slid on and you’re ready to go. I’ve been living in these vans mules because they’re fashionable, easy and wide enough for my sometimes swollen feet.

Fuzzy Slippers

These are a must have for me during pregnancy because they’re super comfy but also they are so darn cute I can’t help but feel good wearing them. In fact I wear them so much I had to buy more. Yeah, it’s a must for me!

9. Maternity Pjs!

As it’s getting harder to get comfortable, fit into anything or fall asleep the least you can do for your hard working body is put on the most comfy clothes you can get your hands on! It’s so worth it when you’re pregnant to splurge on things that are going to make a noticeable difference in your pregnancy experience. So bye bye husband’s over sized t-shirts and hello cute and comfy lounge wear.

There are so many cute options when it comes to buying maternity loungewear, which is why I love this essentials set of 4 because it comes with everything you need, comfy and doubles as the perfect nursing outfits for postpartum. 

10. Panty Liners

It’s around the second trimester when I usually start to notice a little bit extra discharge here and there. If you’re not there yet, you will be soon. It’s a natural occurrence that happens during pregnancy and it’s one of those not-so-fun symptoms but if you’re stocked up on these, any worries 

11. Hardcover Journal

I can’t recommend this enough, get yourself a hardcover journal to document your pregnancy journey as often as possible. I have the same journal from my first pregnancy that I am able to look back on and compare how I was feeling, what my symptoms were and just things I totally forgot about that I probably wouldn’t remember if I had not written it down. You think you’ll remember everything but years from now looking back you probably won’t. So track your symptoms and feelings as often as possible.

I hope some of these suggestions will make your second trimester journey as great as possible. If you’ve been pregnant before let me know what ‘must have’ pregnancy item was a game changer for you. I wish you all healthy pregnancies! Talk soon Mamas.